
Matari Money Makers

Check out our July update video: Matari Money Makers July Corp Update (EVE Online) - YouTube 7

Our primary time of operations is around 01:00 EVE time.

Matari Money Makers promotes Minmatar Culture, Engineering, and Local Markets. Our business with the Amarrian empire is nearly nonexistent, and our business with Amarrian capsuleers is limited. We do not engage in piracy or extortion within Tribal borders.

The founder and current CEO, Boozbaz, believes that a strong economy and sound finances are foundational to a healthy empire. He has pledged to help all members of Matari Money Makers to grow their net worth with training, consultations, and hosting fleets that are often public, and that which you will usually walk away from with a higher net worth than you did at the start. We intend to bring better prices and more reliable stock to the local markets, but we are in need of more combat capable pilots to help us in making this happen as some of the local revenue generating assets are being exploited by outsiders and this is holding back the local market. We look forward to working together with our allies in Red Horizon Coalition to form a strong union against those who would seek to cause harm or destabilize the lives of our brothers and sisters.


  • A voice interview
  • No Amarr racial characters
  • Be active on discord
  • Be a team player
  • No piracy, extortion, unprovoked attacks on peaceful traffic in Tribal Space (Heimatar, Metropolis, Molden Heath, Great Wildlands)

Apply directly or join our chat channel MMM Recruitment or our Discord: Red Horizon Coalition to ask any questions or get to know us!

Our primary time of operation is 01:00 eve time, right after downtime.


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