

EternalCosmicBeardCorp - C4 WH Corp, EU/US TZ - newbro and casual friendly. Learn along with us!

Load into Eve: stare at the screen for ten minutes while enjoying the view of your ship, go on google and look up fits, look up what it takes to train those fits, spend four days training into them; then realise that even though you have a fit that people say is good, you have no idea how to use it and are scared to undock your very expensive ship, because the last time you did, it exploded and you're not really sure why. Oh and you're bad at making Isk.

Sound like a familliar story? It was to us too, so we decided to make a Wormhole Corporation from the ground up, with no experience at all! EternalCosmicBeardCorp is geared towards making the experience of being a new player in Eve a fun and rewarding one and is intended to be a collaborative effort. We try and support new players by making the learning journey an organic one: there's always something to be mapped or something to kill, with plenty of encouragement to undock and get your ship exploded!

We hope to make you feel like you're part of the corp from day one, with no playtime requirements - we are very casual friendly, as long as you can keep up with what's going in with the day to day workings of the corp.

We are in this together - this is our true mission statement. Most of the laughs and genuine moments in Eve come from sharing them with other people, so we want you to engage with us, because the more fun you have, the more you play and the more you play, the more we grow! At the end of the day, we want this corp to be like Cheers - Some place where everybody knows your name, and they're always glad you came - and hopefully one you'll want to return to and stick around to make this weird and complex game more fun to play.

And if you're an old grizzled vet who's looking for a refreshing change, we might just be the place where you can begin to have fun in Eve again.

Requirements: Authentication via ESI, a working mic and a sense of humour.

Discord link:

Application Form
Do you want to live in wormhole space?
Do you like to explode ships?
Do you have a working microphone?
Are you willing to occasionally train into ships that allow you to work with the corp, as a fleet?

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